
Government finance jobs demand a strong working knowledge of applicable tax codes and policies. Accountants work within those tax codes to ensure both internal and external compliance. Persons who monitor the performance of control procedures are held accountable by senior management, the governing board, or the audit committee. Category consists of GASB Technical Bulletins and AICPA Industry Audit and Accounting Guides and Statements of Position that have been specifically made applicable to state and local governments by the AICPA and approved by the GASB.


Various accounting systems are used by various public sector entities. In the United States, for instance, there are two levels of government which follow different accounting standards set forth by independent, private sector boards. At the federal level, the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board sets forth the accounting standards to follow. Similarly, there is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board for state and local level government. Measurement focus identifies what financial transactions and activities will be documented in the financial statements. The flow of economic resource focus examines all assets available for goods and services and ensures both long-term and current assets and liabilities are accurately documented in the fund and that as a charge of operations, depreciation is recorded. Whereas the flow of financial resources focus analyzes if there is enough money to cover the costs of the expenses of a program or project during a specified period.

FASAB amends lease accounting requirements

For example, a common analytical review procedure is the comparison of budgeted to actual performance, with investigation of any significant or material variances as determined by the analyst. Often, analytical reviews may be used to monitor other underlying control procedures. Additionally, practices that are widely recognized and prevalent in state and local government are included in this category. Statement 11 of the GASB briefs about the Measurement focus identifies what should be expressed in a financial report or record statement.

  • Careers in government accounting typically provide comfortable salaries, with the potential for growth as workers gain experience.
  • Governments should establish and maintain those funds required by law and sound financial administration.
  • However, it will be determined by the government according to the case and circumstances.
  • Government officials can also use GASB standards to demonstrate their financial accountability and responsibility.

You also have the opportunity to attend networking and career events and have access to exclusive employment opportunities to help you excel. Government accountants work in the public sector at Commonwealth, state and local levels. Examples of these procedures include the reconciliation of physical inventory to accounting records and the preparation of a bank reconciliation. Senior management should deliver a clear message to employees about their responsibilities and role in the internal control system.

FASAB clarifies federal accounting rules for debt cancellation

Consistency in Governmental Accounting reporting by governments is provided through accounting standards. GASB is the standard-setting authority of generally accepted accounting principles for state and local governments, including school districts. In cases for which no GASB pronouncement is applicable, other authoritative sources of guidance exist. The following chapter presents a hierarchy of GAAP in descending order of authoritative literature for governments. Given the unique needs of governments, a different set of accounting standards has been developed for these organizations. The primary organization that is responsible for creating and updating these standards is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board .

  • This issue is particularly complex for school district payroll systems, given the plurality of funding sources for district personnel and reporting requirements for personnel costs.
  • A clear distinction should be made between fund long-term liabilities and general long-term liabilities.
  • You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.
  • Consultative groups perform research for agenda items concerning accounting and financial reporting standards.

All forms of monitoring include collecting and interpreting data, and this oversight function is often performed through information provided in governmental reports. Among the most important types of communication is the annual financial report, which presents the financial position, operating results, and cash flows for a particular accounting period. All governments, including school districts, develop their annual financial reports in accordance with principles established by standard-setting authorities to provide consistency and comparability for users. The concept of major fund reporting is introduced and defined by GASB Statement 34 to simplify the presentation of fund information and to focus attention on the major activities of the entity. Rather than require each type of fund to be individually presented, Statement 34 requires the individual presentation of only major funds, with all other funds combined into a single column. This reduces the number of funds presented on the face of the financial statements and directs the focus on the significant funds of the reporting entity. Major fund reporting is applied only to governmental (i.e., general, special revenue, debt service, capital projects, and permanent funds) and enterprise funds.

What is Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)?

These expenditures require an ordinance or resolution to authorize the project, establish the assessment roll, adopt the debt amortization schedule, or accept the grant award. Such ordinances or resolutions set an absolute maximum or ceiling on the expenditures, but the time period for incurring expenditures does not coincide with the government’s fiscal year; it may even cover several years. Above and Prescribed option includes all the accounts, including the accounts in which other codes are rolled up into for category presentation. These above prescribed codes are not valid for reporting, however they provide detailed information on the category of the codes. This listing also provides the Prescribed accounts, which are the required accounts for annual report filing. Government accounting is a scientific procedure of collecting, classifying, recording, summarizing, and interpreting all the financial transactions including revenues and expenditures of all the government offices.

What is GASB vs GAAP?

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the organization that determines and updates generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for government entities. Thus, GASB is the acting body that enforces and updates GAAP, which are all different accounting principles that are constantly changing.

In this section, governments can access a report providing information on the allowability of BARS codes in fund types as well as export a chart of accounts specific to a government type. Government accounting involves using the traditional skills of the accountant to manage public funds and adhere to legislation and regulations.

Governmental Accounting: Definition & Basics

Under the modified basis of accounting, revenue and governmental fund resources are recognized when they become susceptible to accrual. This means that these items are not only available to finance the expenditures of the period, but are also measurable.

  • Governments who file a no activity report will be required to submit supporting documents to confirm no activity, such as meeting minutes, county reports and/or bank statements.
  • These governments also will be required to submit no activity supporting documents such as meeting minutes and county reports and/or bank statements verifying no activity.
  • In cases for which no GASB pronouncement is applicable, other authoritative sources of guidance exist.
  • Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work.
  • They should be recognized as revenue in the special revenue fund from which they will be expended.
  • Government accountants prepare financial statements and budgets and provide accurate information about financial practices.
  • Employees should also have a means for communicating the effectiveness and efficiency of these systems to upper levels of management.